
The Center for Academic Innovation is located in Bldg 9, Room 106 on the Salem campus and offers a variety of resources for faculty support and networking. There are small, informal work spaces, computer stations, areas for conversations supported by technology, along with a training room for groups of up to 20 people.

Walk In

As you walk into our space you’ll find friendly staff to welcome you to the Center for Academic Innovation. They’ll provide information as to where to find resources and can guide you to the hospitality center coffee service. You’ll also find the first of the informal meeting spaces.

Faculty Computer Lab (The Tech Hub)

Continue back in our area and you’ll find additional meeting spaces with faculty consults, along with our well-known technology hub. The Tech Hub is a faculty development center that provides college-wide instructional support for teaching and learning, and academic technologies used to support instruction. 

Chemeketa faculty can stop by for help at any time 9:00am-4:00pm, Monday through Friday (Monday through Thursday during the summer), and the Tech Hub Faculty will assist with course design, pedagogy, Canvas help and many other services.

Training and Conference Room

We also have a comfortable and functional training space for groups of up to 20 people. The training room includes a large screen computer with video conferencing abilities. The space is frequently used for faculty professional development, technology workshops, and other meetings.


We also have a sound-proof room with a computer, studio microphone and webcam to aid you in creating screencasts and audio recordings.  You can reserve the soundbooth by getting in touch with one of our staff or faculty.

Training & Events

View our Events Schedule for upcoming professional development and events.

Canvas Support

Access Canvas support resources and training for instructors.

Office Hours Support

Need help with academic technology? Drop-in for support during online office hours.

Request a Consultation

Use this form to request a consultation with a faculty support team member.
