Canvas New Quizzes Launching Soon!

Starting in the Spring term, we will begin the migration process from Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes to ensure a smooth transition before Classic Quizzes are phased out. New Quizzes offer enhanced question types, improved analytics, and greater flexibility in...

2024 Canvas LMS Review Report

The Center for Academic Innovation recently conducted a partial review of our Canvas LMS during Fall term to assess its current effectiveness and identify any required updates, improvements, or changes needed. The purpose of this review was to gather information and...

Undelivered Message from Canvas

If you encounter an undelivered message from Canvas, below is information and instructions for resolving this issue. This summer we changed email addresses for employee accounts in Canvas. When replying to Canvas messages using Gmail you must use...

Lucid Integration in Canvas

Through Canvas, educators and students now receive a free license to the Lucid Education Suite! Brainstorm, take notes and whiteboard in a digital space Collaborate with groups in real-time, communicate thinking Easily create diagrams, graphic organizers and other...

Upcoming Technology Updates in Canvas

This message is to inform you about upcoming changes to technology related to our Canvas learning management system. Chemeketa Online Technical Support conducts updates annually during summer and fall breaks as part of our regular maintenance cycle.Changes to Pearson...

Canvas Support

Access to Canvas resources
and training for instructors.

Technology UpdatesCanvas