Quality Online Instruction (QOI) Course Reviews

Get Involved with QOI

The cycle for QOI reviews is open until March 28, 2025.

The Quality Online Instruction (QOI) program ensures that Chemeketa’s online courses meet quality standards. QOI was developed by faculty and staff, and adopted by Chemeketa as a required element for online faculty. The QOI initiative built on our work with Quality Matters by incorporating standards around regular and substantive interaction.

What is QOI?

QOI is a rubric of standards along with a peer review process for online courses. Reviewed courses that meet standards receive Chemeketa’s QOI certification. The QOI rubric includes the following standards:

  1. Organization and Design
  2. Instructional Design
  3. Learner Support
  4. Regular and Substantive Interaction

QOI standards also align with the WOOFS Best Practices in Online Facilitation Guidelines, developed and adopted by the Chemeketa Faculty Senate.

The QOI standards are based on research in online instruction and on current guidelines for online/blended instruction, including Quality Matters, Portland Community College’s “What Works”, Illinois Online Network’s Rubric, Chico State’s ROI, and Western Carolina’s OCAT peer-assessment tool.

How do QOI reviews work?

QOI reviews are peer-based, and designed to be a collegial process for instructional improvement. The QOI standards involve a two-part review process.

The Course Design review process (standards 1-3) is conducted by a two-person team of Chemeketa faculty with experience in quality online instruction and design. The RSI review (standard 4) is conducted by the Tech Hub faculty.

Throughout both reviews your faculty peer reviewers will provide constructive feedback on strengths and improvements for your online course.  The Tech Hub faculty also provide instructional design support throughout the process to assist faculty with modifications.

Why does QOI matter?

The QOI standards provide a high benchmark for quality online instruction, and acknowledges national trends in online quality assurance. By aligning online instruction and course design with QOI standards, Chemeketa ensures we offer a high-quality learning experience for our online students. QOI standards also align with the Dept. of Ed’s guidelines around regular and substantive [instructor] interaction (RSI).

Faculty may choose QOI participation as an evaluation criteria, in addition to receiving QOI certification and recognition. All online faculty are required to take one course through the QOI review process.


Chemeketa recognizes the time and commitment involved in a QOI peer review and celebrates QOI participants in our annual Spring Faculty Recognition event. Additionally, participating peer reviewers and faculty with courses meeting the QOI standards receive a $300 stipend, and the course receives QOI certification at Chemeketa. Want to get your picture on a baseball card? Become one of our QOI All-Stars and have one of one of your online courses reviewed.

More Information

For more information about the QOI standards and course review process please contact Tech Hub faculty, Beth Hale or Colin Stapp, in the Center for Academic Innovation, Salem Campus 9/106, or 503.399.7873.

InstructionCourse ReviewsQOI