Student Learning Outcomes Assessment
What do you want to know about what your students know/are able to do? Outcomes assessment helps you get answers to that question and use the results to plan your next steps with your students.
The diagram to the right outlines how. Identify which outcomes you want to assess, how you want to assess them, then assess students to collect data. Analyze the data to see if there’s a gap between what you want and what you see in the results, then make changes aimed at improving the results.
The Center for Academic Innovation supports faculty as they develop and implement student learning outcomes assessments with
- Coaching
- Online Office Hours
- Personalized Consultations (email us)
- Configuring Outcomes Assessment in Canvas
- Courses (stay tuned for announcements)
- Leveraging Assessment for Learning
- Formative Assessment
- Authentic Assessment
Our student learning outcomes spell out the promises we make to students about what we will help them learn in our courses and our programs. Student learning outcomes are written by faculty and are approved by the College Curriculum Committee. They are documented in our College catalog in course descriptions, programs of study, and the page listing our General Education outcomes.
Individual academic units select, assess, and document mastery of student learning outcomes according to guidelines determined by the Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee, and the College assesses student learning of general education outcomes when students earning an Associate of Arts/Oregon Transfer degree apply for graduation.
In your individual classes, you are responsible for assessing the extent to which your students are mastering a course’s outcomes and participating in any unit outcomes assessment process your unit leader explains to you.

The Learning Outcomes Assessment resource website contains all the information faculty need to understand how to conduct outcomes assessment at Chemeketa. Login with your Chemeketa Google Account to access the site.