HubTalk Episode 07 – Instructor Presence, Part 1

In this two-part episode of Hub Talk, Colin and Bill interview Dr. Patrick Lowenthal, an Associate Professor in the Educational Technology department at Boise State University. Patrick’s research interests focus on instructional communication, and how people communicate using emerging technologies – with a specific focus on issues of presence, identity, and community online.

In the interview, Bill and Colin talk with Patrick about social presence, how instructors can improve their presence in online classes, and specific tools instructors can use to provide feedback and engaging learning experiences. Patrick also shares insights into how to improve online discussions and group assignments to not only increase instructor presence but to also improve the social experience the students have within the course. 

Talked about in this episode

  • Read about the research that Patrick and a colleague conducted in their quest to find the right mix of instructor presence for their online courses. The power of presence: Our quest for the right mix of social presence in online courses – an article co-written by Patrick Lowenthal and Joanna Dunlap
    Find out more about Patrick’s research, publications, and teaching at