Professional Development

The Center for Academic Innovation provides a variety of professional development experiences from online and remote workshops, to in-person seminars and institutes.
DPR – Difference, Power and Responsibility
We partner with the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion office to offer the Difference, Power, and Responsibility (DPR) Instructor Seminar. The DPR Instructor Seminar prepares instructors to design and deliver courses with the DPR designation. It also earns credit towards Chemeketa’s Cultural Competency Certificate.
Communities of Practice
Discover opportunities to engage with colleagues in a community of practice as a high-impact professional development activity.
Excellence in Teaching
Learn more about the Excellence in Teaching certification program including college goals, certification criteria, and faculty recognition.
Innovations Funding
The Innovations Funding program offers faculty the opportunity to explore and try instructional technology. Applications are welcome anytime.
Professional Memberships
The Center for Academic Innovation is a member of several organizations that provide resources and opportunities for professional development available to Chemeketa faculty.
We offer various scheduled trainings and workshops each term, as well as trainings by appointment or drop-on at the Tech Hub.
Universal Design for Learning Certificate
Chemeketa now offers UDL-focused workshops on applying the principles of universal design to instruction and student services. Complete the entire series to earn the UDL Certificate offered by Center for Academic Innovation.
Workshop Request
Have an idea for a workshop that you’d like to run at Chemeketa? The Center for Academic Innovation can provide you with both the event space and technical support to bring your idea to a wider audience at Chemeketa.