Innovations Funding
This program offers faculty the opportunity to explore and try instructional technology. Applications are welcome anytime.
Applications are reviewed as received by the Innovations Committee. The scoring rubric is based on these criteria:
- Innovative
- Impact on learning
- Ease-of-use
- Scalability
- Collaborative

Funding Options
Up to $500
Designed to support faculty in their initial investigation of innovative instructional technologies. There is no requirement that these technologies be implemented in an actual course, only that they have the potential to enhance instruction. Activities might include things like training or conference attendance, reviews of research, or experimentation with software/hardware/apps.
Up to $1000
Designed to support innovative use of instructional technology with students. Funds can be used for faculty time as well as materials or other resources needed to implement the innovation. Implementation grant activities might include things like UDL strategies, developing a web site with students, or using mobile learning or social media with students.
Student Partnership
Up to $1000
Designed for faculty who wish to partner with students to use innovative instructional technology. Students in these projects, rather than just users of technology, are active partners in applying and evaluating innovative technologies in the context of their discipline. Funds can be used for faculty and/or student time, or materials needed to implement the innovation,
Impact Research
Up to $500
Designed for faculty interested in studying the direct effect of their innovative use of instructional technology. Funds may be used to support scholarly exploration leading to research articles, talks or posters to present at professional conferences, and may be used for faculty time or resources needed to collect/analyze data, and produce a research report or presentation. Proposals should be based on an innovative technology that has already been implemented with students.