
We offer a variety of scheduled trainings and workshops each term, as well as by appointment or drop-in at the Tech Hub. This includes:

  • Individual – for online learning, multimedia, features in Canvas (Chemeketa’s LMS) and accesibility.
  • Customized – for small groups, academic programs or departments.
  • Quarterly Workshops – a regular schedule of short workshops on instructional technology and pedagogy, media production, and accessiblity.
  • Intensive Courses – the Hybrid Workshop and Essentials of Online Instruction offer comprehensive training over several weeks for instructors wanting to teach hybrid or online courses.

Canvas for Instructors – Online Course

This online course is designed to help instructors learn Canvas. The course features screenshots, videos and quick links to learn the varaious features of Canvas. All instructors have been enrolled in this course.

Learning Pathways

There are three learning pathways to choose from, all of which include a badge for completing each:

  • Canvas Essentials – all instructors using Canvas should complete this pathway.
  • Canvas Mastery – instructors using Canvas for Hybrid and Online courses should complete this pathway.
  • Canvas Exemplary – this learning pathway is optional but encouraged for all instructors.

Access the Canvas for Instructors course.

Training & Events

View our Events Schedule for upcoming professional development and events.

Canvas Support

Access Canvas support resources and training for instructors.

Office Hours Support

Need help with academic technology? Drop-in for support during online office hours.

Request a Consultation

Use this form to request a consultation with a faculty support team member.

Professional DevelopmentTraining