Academic Technology

The Center for Academic Innovation provides access and support to academic technology to support teaching and learning.


Create accessible documents and learning materials and ensure that your teachnology is accessible to all students.


View instructor support resources and updates for our college learning management system.

Generative AI

Explore resources around the instructional use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools that may be useful to Chemeketa faculty.

Instructional Media

Discover options for creating and sharing instructional media to support learners and browse a large collection of academic media available.

Media Studio

Reserve the media studio, request instructional media services, and checkout equipment.

Engagement Tools

The Center for Academic Innovation facilitates several useful online engagement tool subscriptions that are available to Chemeketa faculty (Kami, Kahoot, Padlet, and SoftChalk).

Respondus Exams

Instructors can create, import and manage exams and make use of LockDown Browser and Monitor for test security and webcam proctering.


Turnitin is a plagiarism checker that verifies the originality of submitted texts or documents compared to the Internet and Turnitin’s institutional repository.

Zoom Meetings

Host Zoom meetings from your computer and mobile device for conducting classes, online office hours & meetings, group collaboration, mentoring & tutoring, and recording lectures. View tips and best practices for teaching with Zoom.

Training & Events

View our Events Schedule for upcoming professional development and events.

Canvas Support

Access Canvas support resources and training for instructors.

Office Hours Support

Need help with academic technology? Drop-in for support during online office hours.

Request a Consultation

Use this form to request a consultation with a faculty support team member.
