Unwanted calendar events for Zoom Meetings are copied from another course during the course copy process. This is a known issue with the Canvas Course Copy process and the Zoom integration with course calendars.
When an instructor schedules their Zoom Meetings within Canvas, a calendar event for each scheduled meeting is automatically added to the course calendar with a link to join the meeting. During the course copy process if “All Content” is selected from the Import Content > Copy a Canvas Course settings.
If the “All Content” was selected during the course copy process, you can delete any unwanted events (one at a time) from your course calendar.
To avoid copying these unwanted calendar events into your current courses, choose “Select specific content” during the Copy a Canvas Course process. Then, click the Select Content button and exclude these calendar events from the copy process.
Screenshots of Issue:
Screenshot showing issue with unwanted Zoom Meeting calendar events from course copy process in Canvas.
A screenshot showing the Select specific content setting during a Copy a Canvas Course process.
A screenshot showing the uncheck Calendar Events option during a Copy a Canvas Course process.