Below are a list of notable Zoom new features released in the past year. These features have been enabled for use with your Chemeketa Zoom account. Some new features may require that you update your Zoom software.

New Meeting Chat Experience
Hosts can allow meeting participants to communicate as effectively and efficiently with in-meeting chat, as they do with Team Chat. Participants will be able to delete their messages, reply in threads, quote, format their messages with additional rich text formatting options, preview images directly in the chat thread, capture and send screenshots, and react to messages with emojis.

Screenshot of the Zoom New Meeting Chat Experience

Create Custom Human Avatars
Instead of using the default animal avatars, you can create a custom human avatar, typically to recreate your own personal appearance. Custom human avatars are only available on the desktop client for Windows and macOS. Note: Avatars do not use facial recognition and will not store any images of your face. Your selected avatar will mimic your head movements and facial expressions. Avatars can be used in conjunction with virtual backgrounds and immersive view, allowing you and others to create an even more fun and captivating scene for your participants and attendees. See Using Avatars in meetings and webinars for more details.

Screenshot showing the customization options for human avatars in Zoom.

Animated Meeting Reactions
Meeting hosts and participants can use animated reactions, which allows users to have reactions shown in each video tile with animation to draw greater attention. Meeting hosts can manage animations through their settings. See Using non-verbal feedback and meeting reactions for more details.

Animation showing the animated non-verbal reactions in a Zoom meeting.

Share Screen and Broadcast Voice to All Breakout Rooms
Meeting hosts can broadcast their microphone audio to all breakout rooms in a meeting. This setting is controlled separately from the broadcast message option. See Sharing screen and broadcasting to breakout rooms for more details.

Screenshot showing the Broadcast shared screen to Breakout Rooms in a Zoom Meeting.

Search Breakout Rooms
Hosts and co-hosts are able to better manage breakout rooms with the ability to search for participants in breakout rooms by name, allowing them to quickly view, assign, or move participants between breakout rooms. See Managing breakout rooms for more details.

Central Library of Polls & Quizzes
Users can manage a central library of polls for meetings. They can create or edit polls and use them for Personal Meeting ID (PMI) and non-PMI meetings. Previously, polls for PMI and non-PMI meetings were managed separately. When a poll is marked as available to all meetings, it will appear in the list of polls that can be launched in a meeting. This new central repository will not replace the existing “Personal Meeting (PMI) polls”; polls created here will only appear in PMI meetings. See How to use the Polls/Quizzes library for more details.

Screenshot showing the Central Library for Polls & Quizzes on the Zoom website.

View Activity for Breakout Room Particpants
Meeting hosts can view the level of activity for particpants in each open breakout room. Hosts and co-hosts can quickly view participants’ audio and video status, if they are sharing their screen, and any active reactions or nonverbal feedback. Once enabled, participants are notified before they join the breakout room that their activity status is shared with the host and any co-hosts. This feature requires hosts and participants to have client version 5.10.3 or higher for activity statuses to appear. Activity statuses will not be displayed for participants with earlier versions and for certain devices. See Enabling breakout rooms for more details.

Screenshot of the Zoom Breakout Rooms Activity Status Notification to Participants.

Creation of breakout rooms based on poll results
Meeting hosts can choose to Create Breakout Rooms while setting up polls. If this option is selected, the host can split participants into separate, smaller rooms based on participants’ answers. Hosts can set a limit for how many participants are placed in each breakout room and move/exchange participants after launching the breakout rooms.

Screenshot showing the  poll creation in Zoom with the Create Breakout Rooms option checked.

View all Release Notes on the Zoom Support website.