As we move to an online format, it is important that we make sure that all students feel welcome and included in your course. They also must be able to access and understand your materials. As a federally funded institution, it is the law – but more importantly, a commitment to equity and inclusion for all is a core principle of our college.

Helping our students succeed is more important than ever in this stressful time. To assist you in creating a supportive and inclusive environment here are some resources to get you started.


We will be hosting a webinar on Thursday – April 9, 2020 from 1:00pm-2:00pm. Please join us at to learn about some Simple things you can do to improve Inclusion and Accessibility.

Inclusion Resources

For some great tips and suggestions on making your courses more inclusive follow these simple guidelines: Equitable Teaching in a Remote Learning Environment

For more information on inclusive practices and diversity, contact Vivi Caleffi Prichard at:

Accessibility Resources

The Center for Academic Innovation has a set of resources to help you make sure that your materials are accessible for the digital environment. Here are a few to help get you started:

If you have any questions or need assistance with accessibility, contact Heather Mariger at

Have a question?

Send your questions to Heather Mariger: and we will try to answer as many as we can during the webinar and will email you any we are not able to address.

BlogInclusion and Accessibility webinar