Zoom AI Companion has been enabled for all college employees!Key Features Meeting summary with AI Companion: transcribes and summarizes key points from meetings. When a meeting host enables this feature during their meeting, participants will see a prompt letting them...
Changes to Zoom Login Process
During the winter break we updated the Single Sign-On process for accessing the college Zoom website. Faculty and staff may be prompted to verify their account when they login to the Zoom website for the first time after making this change. NOTE: The new SSO login...
Zoom New Features
Below are a list of notable Zoom new features released in the past year. These features have been enabled for use with your Chemeketa Zoom account. Some new features may require that you update your Zoom software.New Meeting Chat ExperienceHosts can allow meeting...
Canvas Course Copy & Zoom Meetings – Spring Term
REMINDER: clean up old Zoom Meetings in course calendar after course copy process in Canvas.Issue Unwanted calendar events for Zoom Meetings are copied from another course during the course copy process. This is a known issue with the Canvas Course Copy process and...
Canvas Course Copy & Zoom Meetings – Winter Term
REMINDER: clean up old Zoom Meetings in course calendar after course copy process in Canvas.Issue Unwanted calendar events for Zoom Meetings are copied from another course during the course copy process. This is a known issue with the Canvas Course Copy process and...
Canvas Course Copy & Zoom Meetings
Issue Unwanted calendar events for Zoom Meetings are copied from another course during the course copy process. This is a known issue with the Canvas Course Copy process and the Zoom integration with course calendars. Details When an instructor schedules their Zoom...
Zoom: Required Update for All Users
Beginning September 1, 2021 Students, Faculty, and Staff will be required to update their Zoom software to ensure it is no more than nine months behind the current version, at any given time. From that point on, users will be prompted to update their software on a...
Canvas Course Copy & Zoom Meetings
REMINDER: to avoid copying unwanted course calendar events created from past Zoom Meetings, choose "Select Specific Content" during the Copy a Canvas Course process. Then choose Select Content and exclude these calendar events (see screenshots below). If "All...
Canvas Course Copy & Zoom Meetings
Issue Unwanted calendar events for Zoom Meetings are copied from another course during the course copy process. This is a known issue with the Canvas Course Copy process and the Zoom integration with course calendars. Details When an instructor schedules their Zoom...
Automatic Live Captioning available in Zoom
This is a new feature Zoom will be available soon for all Chemeketa accounts. This can be enabled by the host, and any participants can view the captioning as needed.