Good afternoon faculty,

Thank you for your continued hard work and flexibility as we work together to offer instruction and services to our students during this rapidly changing time.

An email went out to all staff this past Wednesday indicating that Chemeketa will continue in an exclusively remote or online format for the entirety of spring term (through June 13). An email was also sent to all students today. 

We’ve been working regularly with CFA leadership to address general faculty questions. We will be publishing a link to FAQs next week, however we wanted to address a few priority questions today.  

Canvas Migration Update

Due to the transition to remote learning for all spring term courses, the implementation of Canvas will be delayed. The Center for Academic Innovation is actively assisting all faculty in moving their spring term courses to remote instruction and that will be their top priority over the next few weeks. Once students and faculty are firmly established with remote instruction, we will return our focus to supporting the migration to Canvas. Currently, our plan is to offer classes on Canvas starting fall term 2020. We will continue to provide updates on a regular basis. You may also visit Canvas Instructor Support page for additional information. 

Classes Moved to Remote Format

In an attempt to recognize the work of faculty in moving classes from face-to-face to a remote modality we agreed to reduce maximum class size for these remote classes to 20. An attempt was made to do so however in some cases it was not feasible. 

For those remote classes that are not able to be reduced to 20 students we have agreed that faculty will receive a large class differential. A large class size shall only occur with mutual agreement of the faculty member and their supervisor. 

  • Classes with 20-24 students are regular class size. 
  • Classes with 25-29 students are 125% large class size differential.
  • Classes with 30-34 students are 150% large class size differential. 

Large class size differentials are for both F1 and A1. Determination of large class size occurs at the end of the 4th week (per contract language). With the change in spring term dates this is May 1, 2020.

Faculty Evaluations

These will be on hold college-wide, unless requested by the faculty member.  

Student Resources

With the change in operations going remote your syllabus references for services and support for your students should be directed to the student remote hub:

Faculty Resources

The Tech Hub faculty continue to be here to help you with remote teaching. Please visit the Remote Learning Site for ongoing information and resources:

Thank you for your continued patience and fortitude as we navigate a new reality together. Some of our models of teaching which require proctored tests, synchronous class sessions, etc will not be possible with remote learning. We ask for your continued flexibility and encourage you to work with the resources provided through the Tech Hub to address your concerns. In your efforts to address equitable opportunity for students in remote learning environments here is an additional resource: Equitable Teaching in a Remote Learning Environment.

Please know that your efforts are greatly appreciated and speak to your personal commitment to students. Thank you so much!


Jim Eustrom

Vice President, Instruction and Student Services   
Chemeketa Community College     


COVID UpdatesALL FACULTY NOTICE – Spring Term Update