Chemeketa continues to offer access to Digital Course Materials at no cost for students during winter term. The VitalSource Bookshelf provides students access to eTextbooks on or before the first day of class in Canvas. NOTE: This resource is only available for...
Canvas Course Copy & Zoom Meetings
Issue Unwanted calendar events for Zoom Meetings are copied from another course during the course copy process. This is a known issue with the Canvas Course Copy process and the Zoom integration with course calendars. Details When an instructor schedules their Zoom...
Inclusive Access to eTextbooks for Fall Term
Chemeketa is offering access to Digital Course Materials at no cost for students through Canvas this Fall. The VitalSource Bookshelf provides students access to eTextbooks on or before the first day of class in Canvas. NOTE: This resource is only available for courses...
Changes to End of Term Access in Canvas
Courses in Canvas will automatically conclude (change to read-only access) the Sunday after final grades are submitted to My Chemeketa. Fall and Winter courses from this year will also be concluded retroactively. This change will allow our college to keep a record of...
Canvas Course Copy & Zoom Meetings
REMINDER: to avoid copying unwanted course calendar events created from past Zoom Meetings, choose "Select Specific Content" during the Copy a Canvas Course process. Then choose Select Content and exclude these calendar events (see screenshots below). If "All...
Start and End of Term Access in Canvas
Dear Faculty and Staff, Included are important updates regarding changes to start and end of term access to courses in Canvas. Changes to Start of Term Access Student Access to Canvas courses will change to Thursday, before the scheduled start date of the course....
Pearson Maintenance Announcement – April 16th – 17th
Your success with Pearson products is their top priority, so they perform monthly maintenance to keep everything up-to-date, secure and stable. The April scheduled maintenance will take place: Start: Friday, April 16, 2021, 10:00 p.m. PT End: Saturday, April 17, 2021,...
Canvas Course Copy & Zoom Meetings
Issue Unwanted calendar events for Zoom Meetings are copied from another course during the course copy process. This is a known issue with the Canvas Course Copy process and the Zoom integration with course calendars. Details When an instructor schedules their Zoom...
Canvas Course Copy & Zoom Meetings
Issue When an instructor schedules Zoom Meetings in Canvas, a calendar event for each scheduled meeting is automatically added to the course calendar with a link to join the meeting. If "All Content" is selected from the Import Content > Copy a Canvas Course...
Optimizing Your Google-Canvas Integration
By Heather Mariger, Colin Stapp, and Kaitlin Lucas The integration of Google and Canvas provides many options for you and your students to easily share documents and create Cloud assignments. In this article, we’ll touch on some common issues that instructors and...