Kaltura Media

Kaltura is the system used as our college streaming media server and provides instructors access to tools for creating and sharing media to support teaching and learning.

Using Kaltura Media in Canvas

Kaltura Media is available within Canvas for instructors and students.

Chemeketa MediaSpace

Instructors can visit the Chemeketa MediaSpace website to access and share Kaltura Media outside of Canvas.

Access MediaSpace at: https://video.chemeketa.edu

Kaltura Media Retention

Kaltura has built-in media retention policies which will automatically remove content. Review the New Retention Policies for Media.

Kaltura Media Player – New Version

We are in the process of updating the Kaltura Media Player to a new version in Canvas and our...

Kaltura Media Storage and Removal of Media

Due to the SIGNIFICANT increase in use of Kaltura this past year our college has moved to an...
TechnologyMediaKaltura Media